Our tutors always say that nurses play MANY roles, and I've played the role of a maid, a waiter, a nanny, a cleaner, an educator, a vampire, someone who makes babies cry, and many more x.x Then, I've just experienced the role of translator XD LOL...
A Chinese patient was admitted, I'm not sure where she's from but she couldn't speak English nor Bahasa Malaysia well. I happened to be the ONLY Chinese in the ward, so they'd no choice but to pick to to be a translator x.x
Well, the urologist wanted to speak to the patient and tell her about her condition and the possible treatments. That's what I had to translate, I had a hard time thinking what's 'urologist' in Mandarin when he was introducing himself to the patient as that's not a common word I come across when I was studying Mandarin x.x I end up telling her that he's a 'doctor' instead XD
I'm looking forward to know what other roles a nurse needs to play @_@