Saturday, 17 July 2010

116 Posts!!! I've Read Them All XD

Yea, something got into me that made me so interested in this someone's blog. He posted 116 posts to date and I read them all in approximately three (3) days, or maybe less than that after deducting the time that I went for college, sleeping and so on XD

I have to admit that I want to know him more, I guess that's after all the driving force that made me finish all his posts in such a short time o_O

I truly hope he still has the same mentality now even though his earliest post dates back about two (2) years ago because as I read his feelings for his ex, I find that we both have similarities, our thoughts and even probably our personality. With this point, I believe we are able to come along very well as we should be able to understand each other well enough =)

Yeah... Check out the time @_@ I have to wake up at 6.30am later for St John activities at my secondary school x_x

I'm so going to command with my panda-eyes later +_+

Thursday, 15 July 2010

Something New Lies Ahead of Me

I'm about to post something that's very contradicting to what I've posted a week ago (Thursday, 8 July 2010). Please allow me to first quote what have I posted last week:

"I don't feel like getting into another relationship anymore as it's really stressful and I'm just simply not ready for anyone new. I am ONLY open to my ex-boyfriend(s), that's also depending on many other circumstances." -Calvin, 2010, Latest Update =D

Ladies and gentlemen, I'm about to reveal to you that... ... ...


Okay, we haven't really started but both parties showed interest in each other, so that should qualify him as a 'nominee' XD It all started from yesterday.

I'm not going into details because I don't want to jinx it o_O

I've never felt this way for quite some time now, and the feeling is back. It's not at the I-miss-you phase yet, but it's a rather significant feeling that I used to have for my ex-boyfriends before we started. So I'm rather sure he qualifies to be a 'nominee' =D

We talked so much about each other last night, and I read his blog, so full! His blog is just so rich that it made me felt like I knew his since long ago x_x

That's all I'm revealing for now, I promise that I'll update when there are any changes X)

Tuesday, 13 July 2010

The Gardener

Once upon a time, there was this Gardener who tended a few special species of flowers that he favoured. These species were grown at different places, so he had to go to the places where the flowers were located to tend them.

He seemed to be a very responsible man, always there for the flowers' needs. From watering to protecting them during storms. Never had he failed to be there for them whenever they needed someone as a company.

As time passed by, the flowers bloomed, beautifully. However, the flowers didn't bloom for the Gardener, they bloomed for the visitors. These were the visitors who brought the flowers back to their own homes, and planted them at their own gardens, hoping the flowers to bloom for them everyday, under their own homes' conditions.

After awhile, the flowers were not able to cope with the conditions. So the Gardener will have to tend the flowers at the visitors' homes to make them bloom again under the different conditions of different visitors' homes. When they bloomed again, beautifully, the flowers once again didn't bloom for the Gardener, who sincerely loved them so much and gave so much passion into tending them.

The visitors got the pleasure once again.

Until this modern era that we're in right now, the Gardener still exists.

Any, insights?

Sunday, 11 July 2010

Just Being Sentimental

I got in contact with one of my many ex-boyfriends, I'm really glad because both of us don't want to lose another friend =)

Thank you...

Things that I remembered about us (just a brief list):
1) MidValley;
2) a tie;
3) same boxers;
4) angel hair;
5) your hostel; and
6) Renoma.

These are only a few, there are more =X

Yea, I know it's useless no matter how much I could recall, but I'm just being sentimental XD

Thursday, 8 July 2010

Latest Update =D

Looking back AGAIN at my previous posts, yes, I used 'again' because this is definitely not the first time I'm looking back as this isn't the first time I abandoned my blog XD

Okay... A little updates, I have stopped figure skating due to some health problems. As my close friends who would've known me very well, they'll know that I'm a pretty restless young man, so I had to keep my time occupied with some sort of activities since I've dropped my figure skating. What have I chose to participate in this time?

Any guesses?

VIOLIN... Yes, I'm learning violin now and I'm having a lot of fun with it =)I've wanted to learn violin since long ago, I can't specify a time though... I really like violin very much comparing to piano or guitar. So I bought a violin myself, it's only a very basic, made in China violin, which cost me RM350. I'm working very hard trying to take my Grade 3 examinations by the end of this year. Meanwhile, I've been busy practising Palladio by Karl Jenkins, I love it so much!

Next update... I'll be graduating by the end of this year, and I've planned to travel to Blackburn, UK for a holiday... I don't know what's there at Blackburn, but I've got an aunt there, so I'll just go there and decide where to go to from there. My other aim of going to UK is to check out the environment and their hospitals, to see if I really want to settle there in the future.

Lastly, I'm single for good...

I don't feel like getting into another relationship anymore as it's really stressful and I'm just simply not ready for anyone new. I am ONLY open to my ex-boyfriend(s), that's also depending on many other circumstances.

At times, when I'm really lonely... I just had to think about my past *Darn...* I don't know why, that's just how my stupid, pea brain works x_x When that happens, I could be very desperate for a company and a connection that I used to have and share with all my ex-boyfriends.

I had done so much and am guilty of all that I had done, which is earning me ignorance from one of my ex-boyfriends =(

Okay, that should be it for now... I hope to post again soon o_O