Sunday 7 December 2008

Taken For Granted?

I have been wondering, what sort of a friend or perhaps a lover am I? Thinking back whatever that I'd done, I have to admit that I'm a pretty promising person and has the habit of thinking for others first (which I don't totally agree to this x.x) =p

That's what most of my friends commented as well. One of my close frineds from college even said that people had been taking me for granted due to my promising attitude, I hadn't been rejecting a lot of favours, that's why people keep on coming to me for help, even small matters that they could've handle on their own...

After that comment, I gave myself another thought as a third party... I realised that my patience and tolerance has also been taken for granted! They just think that I'm this strong and tough figure, who can sustain any damage done to him. So once or twice wouldn't hurt him much, BUT once or twice from many people becomes MANY times! Hence, I feel like I'm taken advantage of but my BLOODY patience and tolarance have been keeping my stupidity going on.

In conclusion, I have been labelled as SELFLESS! I think it's suppose to be a good label but when it's too much, I personally thinks that it eventually becomes stupidity because you don't care for yourself x.x If you don't care for yourself first, how do you care for others?

Here's the catch, my new year's RESOLUTION is to be more SELF CARED

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